Learning Contract
General Information:
Meave McCollum
Rhode Island Department of Corrections- Mens Maximum Security Prison
Michelle Alexandre
Youthful Offender Program Counselor, Inmate Interview Assistant
Professional Objectives
Develop knowledge about strategies to help implement self-change and/or anger management techniques.
This can be obtained via questions/interviews with my supervisor and other prison staff in the counseling department.
Evidence: I can include an interview between me and my supervisor, pamphlets/handouts from counseling sessions with inmates.
To develop a better understanding of gang affiliation, gang activity, and gang members in the community.
This can be obtained through information learned during inmate interviews and attending staff meetings on gang intelligence.
Evidence: provide handouts received at gang intelligence meetings.
Internship Details
Duties: Youthful Offender Program counseling- attending weekly group counseling/educational meetings about self-change, nonviolence, and anger management.
Inmate Interviews- setting up a program plan for inmates while they are incarcerated (ex. substance abuse counseling, AA, NA.)